Microsoft Teams is based on user policies, which makes it hard to target specific platforms where you might want to disable specific features. When Ahmed Hamed (LinkedIn) and I started to investigate how to accomplish this we were unable to find any good documentation or blogs on how to do this.
Our end goal was to accomplish the following:
- Disable all resource intensive features such as: audio/video calls, meetings and screensharing on the Citrix environment
- Allow users to still use all other features in Citrix like chat and sharing files
- Allow users to use all features outside of Citrix
To accomplish the above you need to set the following settings in Citrix Policy:
To perform the other steps, we used the new TeamsVdiPolicy Powershell module:
1. Firstly, install the newest Microsoft Teams module:
Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -Force -AllowClobber
Please check if the VDI PowerShell commands are present by running:
Get-Command -Noun *VDI*
If the commands are missing, please run the following PowerShell command:
Update-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -AllowPrerelease
2. Connect with your Teams environment with:
3. Create a CsTeamsVdiPolicy to disable all audio and video inside your VDI environment:
New-CsTeamsVdiPolicy -Identity DisableCallsAndMeetingsTrue -DisableCallsAndMeetings $true -DisableAudioVideoInCallsAndMeetings $false
After this a policy called ‘DisableCallsAndMeetingsTrue ’ with the setting ‘DisableCallsAndMeetings’ set on true (the standard setting is set on false) is created.
Sidenote: If you are getting an error message with the following:
“Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message: The WinRM client cannot process the request. Basic authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration.” You need to change some registry keys and set the value to ‘1’:
4. To check the created policy, run the following command:
Get-CsTeamsVdiPolicy | FT Iden*, Disable*
5. Now we must assign the policy to a specific user by running the following command:
Grant-CsTeamsVdiPolicy -Identity -PolicyName DisableCallsAndMeetingsTrue
If you want to change the Global policy, please run the following command:
Set-CsTeamsVdiPolicy -Identity Global -DisableCallsAndMeetings $true
6. After this is done, please check if the policy is active for the user. This takes about 10 minutes:
get-CSOnlineUser -identity 'UPN' | FL UserPrincipalName, *vdi*
In the end you will have the following Teams client experience:
- Teams About shows nothing about any optimization (HDX optimized)
- Teams has greyed-out the audio and video buttons
- Joining meetings results in an error that the policy prevents this
Thanks to James for his articles on how to optimize Team in Citrix! See the blogs:
Based on these articles we did the following:
1. Remove Autorun:
2. Remove default shortcut
3. Set default JSON
"appPreferenceSettings": {
"runningOnClose": true,
"disableGpu": true,
"callingMWEnabledPreferenceKey": false
"theme": "default"